Using every election as an opportunity to change voting behavior, we track our voters’ long-term voting habits to maximize the cumulative impact of our work.
With behavioral science-informed messaging, we call, canvass, mail, and send digital ads to millions of low-propensity environmental voters each year with just one goal: turning them into better voters. Since 2015, we have contacted 10.5 million non-voting and seldom-voting environmentalists and helped convert over 1.8 million of them into “super voters” who now consistently vote their values in every federal, state, and local election.
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We’re volunteers, activists, and donors working year-round to build an army of environmental voters. Join us to receive updates on our high-impact work.
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WHYY: Volunteers knock on doors to create climate ‘super-voters’ in Philadelphia
The Environmental Voter Project targets people who are passionate about climate and the environment, but rarely or never vote.
What If We Get It Right?: Episode 2 - Vote Climate ✅
8 million environmental voters did not vote in the 2020 election 🤯
New Faces of Democracy: Nathaniel Stinnett of the Environmental Voter Project
EVP Founder and Executive Director joined the New Faces of Democracy Podcast to discuss the Environmental Voter Project's goal to build political power for climate issues not by changing minds but by changing behavior.